Saturday, November 14, 2009


Ahh the football-ness of Fall. I like football, it's a fun sport to watch. However, I'm only really interested in the game if it's a team I personally care about, like BYU, or if it's the other team my husband cares about, UW. However, this time of year our TV is typically on all day Saturday, and many other nights of the week with games I could care less about. Perhaps I do not fully appreciate football as a sport, or perhaps I am not a real football fan, but I don't really want to watch teams play that I don't have any emotions invested in. Or maybe, it's a matter of gender difference. I don't know. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I am one of those who could have the TV on all Saturday watching any teams play. I like football so much that sometimes I don't even have a favorite team. I just love watching the game played, and I enjoy watching it played really well. I think that love comes in part from having been exposed to it my whole life and having played the game for quite a good amount of time. I have a fairly good understanding of the game, which makes the strategy all the more exciting. But I definitely see where you come from, because with baseball, where I don't have a great love for the sport, I don't even care what's going on unless it's the Dodgers. So I definitely respect your view.
